Peer Review Processes

Thank you for considering submitting your manuscript to our journal. To ensure a fair and unbiased evaluation of your work, we follow a double-blind review process. Please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing your manuscript for submission:

1. Anonymize Your Manuscript

Remove any information from the manuscript that could reveal your identity as an author. This includes names, affiliations, acknowledgments, and any other identifying details. Ensure that references to your previous work are presented in a way that does not disclose your identity.

2. Mask Author Information in Figures and Tables

If your manuscript includes figures, tables, or other supplementary materials that could potentially reveal your identity, anonymize them accordingly. Remove any author names or affiliations from figure captions, table footnotes, or any other parts of the manuscript where they may appear.

3. Be Mindful of Citations

When citing your own previous work, use neutral language and avoid revealing your identity as the author of those publications. If necessary, anonymize citations to your own work by referring to them in a general context rather than explicitly identifying yourself as the author.

4. Use a Cover Page for Author Information

Include all author information, such as names, affiliations, and contact details, on a separate cover page that is not accessible to reviewers during the review process. Clearly indicate that this cover page contains author information and should not be included in the manuscript file submitted for review.

5. Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

Disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the evaluation of your manuscript. This includes financial interests, personal relationships, or any other factors that could be perceived as biasing your work.

6. Follow Submission Instructions Carefully

Review the journal's submission guidelines and follow all instructions carefully. Failure to comply with the double-blind review requirements may result in delays or rejection of your manuscript.

7. Respect the Review Process

Trust in the integrity of the double-blind review process and refrain from attempting to influence the review outcome through means such as contacting reviewers directly or disclosing your identity to them.

8. Revise and Resubmit Responsibly

If your manuscript requires revisions, ensure that any changes made do not inadvertently reveal your identity as the author. Address all reviewers' comments thoroughly and objectively, focusing on improving the quality and clarity of your manuscript.

9. Contact the Editorial Office for Clarifications

If you have any questions or concerns about the double-blind review process or how to anonymize your manuscript effectively, do not hesitate to contact the editorial office for guidance.

We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining the integrity and fairness of the double-blind review process. By following these guidelines, you contribute to the quality and credibility of our journal as a venue for scholarly dissemination in the field of physics education.