Penelitian berjudul “Penerapan Project Based Learning Berbasis Microblogging Edmodo Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Mengoperasikan Microsoft Excel (Studi Eksperimen Pada Mata Pelajaran TIK di SMK Al-Mukhtariyah Garut)”. Permasalahan ini dilatarbelakangi atas permaslahan rendahnya prestasi bela’jar siswa kelas X SMK AL-Mukhtariyyah pada mata pelajran TIK. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran penerapan model Project Based Learning menggunakan Microblogging Edmodo. Mengetahui keterampilan siswa pada kelas eksperimen dan kontrol setelah perlakuan diberikan, dan mengetahui tanggapan (respon) siswa terhadap penggunaan Project Based Learning menggunakan Microblogging Edmodo model Project Based Learning. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian, (quasi experimental design). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X semester II di SMK AL-Mukhtariyyah. Hasil penelitian dengan pendekatan pembelajaran Student Center dan metode saintifik (scientific) menunjukan terdapat perbedaan prestasi siswa antara nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Hasil analisis data diketahui bahwa prestasi belajar dengan model Project Based Learning dengan menggunaan media Microblogging Edmodo lebih baik dibandingkan dengan Project Based Learning tanpa menggunakan Microblogging Edmodo. Rata-rata perolehan skor posttest kelas eksperimen sebesar 74.17 dibandingkan pada kelas kontrol sebesar 64.48. Berdasarkan uji gain ternormalisasi kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,319 katagori sedang sedangkan kelas kontrol sebesar 0,102 dengan katagori rendah. Hasil uji statistik Mann Whitney diperoleh 0,00 propobilitas (sig) 0,000 ≤ 0,05 taraf segnifikan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Project Based Learning menggunakan Microblogging Edmodo secara segnifikan dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa dibandingkan tanpa menggunakan Microblogging Edmodo. Respon terhadap model Project Based Leaning dengan Microblogging Edmodo sebesar 78% (kuat).
Abstract - The research entitled “The Implementation Of Project Based Learning, Based On Edmodo Microblogging To Improve Microsoft Excel Operation Skills (Experimental Study on ICT Subjects at SMK Al-Mukhtariyah Garut)”. The research was motivated by the problem of the low learning achievement of class X students at AL-Mukhtariyyah vocational high school in ICT subjects. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the Project Based Learning model using Microblogging Edmodo. Knowing the students' skills in the experimental and control classes after the treatment was given and knowing the students' responses to the use of Project Based Learning using the Microblogging Edmodo model of Project Based Learning. This study uses quantitative research methods (quasi-experimental design). This study's population was all class X semester II students at SMK AL-Mukhtariyyah. Research results with the Student Center learning approach and the scientific method (scientific) showed a difference in student achievement between the average value of the experimental and control classes. The results of data analysis show that learning achievement with the Project Based Learning model using Microblogging Edmodo media is better than Project Based Learning without using Microblogging Edmodo. The average post-test score of the experimental class was 74.17 compared to the control class of64.48. Based on the normalized gain test, the experimental class was 0.319 in the medium category, while the control class was 0.102 in the low category. Statistical test results Mann Whitney obtained 0.00 a probability (sig) 0.0000.05 significant level. It can be concluded that Project-Based Learning using Edmodo Microblogging can significantly improve student achievement compared to those without using Edmodo Microblogging. The response to the Project Based Learning model with Microblogging Edmodo is 78% (strong).
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