About the Journal

The International Journal of Education for Sustainable Development is an academic platform dedicated to advancing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) across various educational levels and contexts. The journal facilitates knowledge sharing among researchers, educators, and practitioners who are committed to integrating sustainability principles into education.

It covers a broad spectrum of ESD-related topics, such as climate change education, social equity, sustainable economics, environmental conservation, and community involvement. These themes are crucial to building a sustainable future through education and align with global initiatives like the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

As a global publication, the journal welcomes contributions from around the world, encouraging the exchange of diverse perspectives and practices across different cultural and educational systems. The journal publishes a wide variety of article types, including empirical research, case studies, and critical reviews, making it a valuable resource for exploring ESD implementation from primary education to higher education.

Recognizing the interdisciplinary nature of sustainability challenges, the journal also encourages contributions that blend disciplines such as science, technology, economics, and humanities, provided they align with ESD’s holistic approach. The journal is open access, ensuring wide availability of the research it publishes, supporting the broader dissemination of ideas that promote sustainable educational practices.

This journal is an essential resource for anyone interested in fostering sustainability through education and contributing to a global dialogue on best practices in ESD.