Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Snowball Throwing Terhadap Keterampilan Sikap Sosial Siswa Pada Pembelajaran IPS Kelas III Sekolah Dasar
Snowball Throwing Type Cooperative Learning Model, Social Attitude SkillsAbstract
IPS with floor plans and maps of the surrounding environment. After applying the
cooperative learning model of the Snowball Throwing Type, the sample classes were students
in class III-A as the experimental class and class III-B as the control class. The data collected
from observations used observation sheets and questionnaire sheets. Collecting data from
observations using the average formula, it is known that the students' teaching and learning
process using the Snowball Throwing learning model, the results of the observations of
students in the first meeting showed an average score of 69.5 students' skills. The second
meeting was 72.9, and the third meeting was 81.2. Questionnaire data on student responses to
learning using the Snowball Throwing Cooperative Learning model obtained data on the total
score of the questionnaire score as a whole amounted to 2058 from 20 respondents with an
average of 102.9 and the total percentage score of the overall questionnaire score was 16.4811
with an average of 82 based on on the criteria of Very Good.