Cancel Culture Kasus Kekerasan Seksual di Kalangan Followers Autobase Twitter @Areajulid


  • Yayang Eka Januarda Nisa Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
  • Yuhastina Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
  • Nurhadi Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta



Twitter, Cancel Culture, Autobase


Social media is currently experiencing very rapid development. So it can provide a virtual open space, as is the case with Twitter social media, which offers a forum for netizens to gather and discuss certain topics. The problem with netizens in expressing their own opinions often ends in punishing someone who is deemed to have made a mistake, which is often called cancel culture and experts have different opinions regarding cancel culture. The cancel culture phenomenon has become a relatively growing discussion and problem on social media and is considered a post-modern sociological problem. This research aims to try to provide an overview in the field regarding the cancel culture phenomenon in cases of sexual violence as part of a tool of social control. This research uses a qualitative phenomenological method, data is taken from interviews and observations with 7 followers of the @areajulid autobase account. The results of the research concluded that 1) The sources criticized perpetrators of sexual violence in different ways. 2) Cancel culture is a tool of social control through ridicule and ridicule as well as rumors/gossip. So, through social control of cancel culture on Twitter social media as an effort to minimize cases of social pathology or social crimes, through implementing cancel culture as a preventive effort in using social media wisely.




How to Cite

Yayang Eka Januarda Nisa, Yuhastina, & Nurhadi. (2024). Cancel Culture Kasus Kekerasan Seksual di Kalangan Followers Autobase Twitter @Areajulid. Journal Civics And Social Studies, 6(1), 37–43.