Author Guidelines

Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Matematika: PowerMathEdu (PME) is a scientific journal in the field of mathematics education that is open to the scientific community. The PME journal is published three times a year, in February, June, and October. PME journal publishes research articles and theoretical study results that have never been published by other scientific journals.

The manuscript is a summary of the results of literacy (meta-analysis) or field research.

  1. The manuscript is written in Microsoft Word format.
  2. The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English with the font Candara. The length of the script is 10 to 12 pages typed with a 1,2 space.
  3. Title, Author's Identity, Email, Affiliation, and Abstract are written in 1 column in Indonesian and English and are accompanied by keywords.
  4. The paper size is A4 with Multiple Margin type: Normal, the width of the margins is 2.54 cm for the top, bottom, left, and right.