About the Journal
Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Matematika: PowerMathEdu (PME) publishes scientific articles from research in the field of mathematics education that have not been previously published. Authors can come from various levels, such as undergraduate (S1), master's (S2), and doctoral (S3) students, teachers, lecturers, and practitioners, as well as those concerned with mathematics education. PME is published three times a year, in February, June, and October. PME is published by the Master's Program in Mathematics Education at the Indonesian Institute of Education.
Current Issue
Journal Title | Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Matematika |
Subtitle | PowerMathEdu |
Abbreviation | PME |
Frequency | 3 issues per year |
Period | February, June, October |
p-ISSN | 2962-3952 |
e-ISSN | 2962-245X |
Journal Status | Open Access |
Editor-in-Chief | Ekasatya Aldila Afriansyah |
Publisher | Department of Mathematics Education Master Program, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar | Dimensions |