Call for Papers: Research in Physics Education Vol 3 No 2 2024


RiPE invites submissions for an upcoming regular issue focusing on cutting-edge research in the field of physics education. We welcome contributions from educators, researchers, and practitioners worldwide to share their insights, innovations, and empirical findings aimed at advancing the teaching and learning of physics.

Submission Guidelines: Authors are invited to submit original research articles, literature reviews, theoretical papers, practical teaching strategies, and commentary pieces relevant to the theme of the our regular issue. Submissions should adhere to the journal's formatting and citation guidelines. All manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure quality and scholarly rigor.

Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: [August 1 2024]
  • Notification of Acceptance: [August 12, 2024]
  • Final Manuscript Submission: [August 30, 2024]
  • Expected Publication: [September 1, 2024]