Learning Obstacle of Integral Course Learning Based on APOS Theory Perspective
Learning obstacle, Definite Integral, APOS Theory, Ontogenic learning obstaclesAbstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui learning obstacle mahasiswa calon guru dalam pembelajaran integral tentu. Pentingnya integral dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan menuntut pemahaman yang lebih mendalam dari para guru agar materi ini dapat diajarkan secara efektif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan studi kasus yang difokuskan pada 10 mahasiswa calon guru Matematika di Universitas swasta di bandung, Indonesia, yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Mahasiswa diberikan soal TKR (tes kemampuan responden) sebagai tes kemampuan awal dalam pemahaman konsep integral tentu. Selanjutnya, menggunakan analisis APOS (Aksi, proses, objek dan skema) melalui wawancara In-depth interview diperoleh indikasi learning obstacle dari mahasiswa. Hasil yang diperoleh, siswa mengalami hambatan belajar didaktis, hambatan belajar ontogenik konseptual khususnya materi aljabar sebagai prasyarat pembelajaran integral yang belum dipahami dengan baik dan psikologi dimana siswa mengalami hambatan belajar karena kurangnya rasa percaya diri dalam menyelesaikan masalah perhitungan integral tentu. Learning obstacle yang ditemukan dapat dijadikan dasar dalam membuat desain pembelajaran yang epistemic.
This research aims to determine the learning obstacles of prospective teacher students in integral learning of course. The importance of integrals in improving educational quality requires teachers to have a deeper understanding of this topic to teach it effectively. This research is a qualitative research with a case study focused on 10 prospective Mathematics teacher students at a private university in Bandung, Indonesia, who were selected using purposive sampling. Students are given TKR (respondent ability test) questions as an initial ability test in understanding integral concepts of course. Furthermore, using APOS analysis (Action, process, object and scheme) through in-depth interviews, indications of learning obstacles were obtained from students. The results obtained showed that students experienced didactic learning obstacles, conceptual ontogenic learning obstacles, especially algebraic material as a prerequisite for integral learning that has not been well understood, and psychology where students experienced learning obstacles due to a lack of self-confidence in solving definite integral calculation problems. The learning obstacles found can be used as a basis for creating epistemic learning designs
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