Mengeksplor Penalaran Spasial Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Geometri Berdasarkan Gender
Gender, Penalaran Spasial, Soal Geometri, Spatial Reasoning, Geometry ProblemAbstract
Penalaran spasial penting untuk dibangun dan dikembangkan karena membantu siswa dalam memahami suatu konsep geometri. Namun, penalaran spasial siswa tahap operasional konkret masih jarang diteliti, sedangkan ditahap tersebut merupakan awal anak dalam memahami geometri. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengeksplor penalaran spasial siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal geometri berdasarkan gender. Jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Instrumen pendukung yaitu lembar tugas penalaran spasial dan pedoman wawancara. Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan tes dan wawancara. Responden dari siswa kelas 5 MI AL-ASY’ARI Keras Diwek Jombang sejumlah 28 siswa, lalu subjek penelitian diambil 1 laki-laki dan 1 perempuan berdasarkan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan siswa laki-laki lebih dominan dalam visualisasi spasial, siswa perempuan lebih dominan dalam orientasi spasial. Namun, pada rotasi spasial memiliki kemampuan penalaran spasial yang sama.
Spatial reasoning is important to build and develop because it helps students understand a geometric concept. However, the spatial reasoning of students in the concrete operational stage is still rarely studied, while at this stage is the beginning of children in understanding geometry. The purpose of the study was to explore students' spatial reasoning in solving geometry problems based on gender. This type of descriptive qualitative research. Supporting instruments are spatial reasoning task sheets and interview guidelines. Data collection methods using tests and interviews. Respondents from class 5 students at MI AL-ASY'ARI Keras Diwek Jombang were 28 students, then the research subjects were 1 male and 1 female based on purposive sampling. The results showed that male students were more dominant in spatial visualization, female students were more dominant in spatial orientation. However, the spatial rotation has the same spatial reasoning ability.
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