Computational Thinking of Prospective Mathematics Teacher Viewed from Entrepreneur Character
Computational Thinking, Entrepreneur, Pembelajaran Matematika, Mathematics, Mathematics LearningAbstract
Computational Thingking (CT) dan entrepreneurship membutuhkan pemikiran matematika, begitu pula pada pembelajaran matematika membutuhkan pola pikir CT dan karakter entrepreneurship. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengekplorasi potensi CT dilihat dari karakter entrepreneur. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Tiga mahasiswa calon guru Matematika menjadi subyek terpilih dari duapuluh subyek penelitian. Pengambilan data melalui data tes, angket dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa aktivitas CT dari karakter entrepreneur tinggi dan sedang ditemukan aktivitas CT dengan komponen abstraksi, algoritma, kreativitas, dekomposisi, dan generalisasi. Kuatnya karakter enterpenur berupa kreativitas memunculkan komponen baru dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematika. Kreativitas direkomendasikan menjadi salah satu komponen CT dalam pembelajaran matematika.
Computational Thinking (CT) and entrepreneurship require mathematical thinking, as well as learning mathematics requires a CT mindset and entrepreneurial character. This research reports on an educational research study that explores the potential of CT in terms of entrepreneurial character. Research using a descriptive approach. Three prospective mathematics teacher students were selected from the twenty subjects of this study. Data collection through data tests, questionnaires and interviews. The results of the study revealed that CT activity had a high entrepreneurial character and moderate CT activity was found with components of abstraction, algorithm, creativity, decomposition, and generalization. The strong character of the entrepreneur in the form of creativity raises a new component in solving mathematical problems. Creativity is recommended to be a component of CT in learning mathematics.
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