Augmented Reality for Mathematics Learning: Could We Implement It in Elementary School?


  • Totok Victor Didik Saputro Institut Shanti Bhuana
  • Pebria Dheni Purnasari Institut Shanti Bhuana
  • Winda Lidia Lumbantobing Institut Shanti Bhuana
  • Yosua Damas Sadewo Universitas Negeri Jakarta



Augmented Reality, Pembelajaran Matematika, Sekolah Dasar, Elementary school, Mathematics learning


Teknologi berkembang pesat dan diantaranya diterapkan di bidang pendidikan. Namun, faktanya masih banyak guru yang belum mampu mengimplementasikan teknologi dan media pembelajaran digital dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Augmented reality menjadi salah satu alternatif media pembelajaran untuk diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pemanfaatan augmented reality dalam pembelajaran matematika di sekolah dasar. Analisis dilakukan dengan pendekatan penelitian scoping review dengan batasan pada hasil artikel yang dipublikasikan selama 3 tahun terakhir. Tahap scoping review menggunakan kerangka Aksey dan O'Malley. Artikel diambil dari hasil publikasi artikel pada Jurnal Terindeks SINTA dengan kata kunci “Augmented Reality” ATAU “Pembelajaran Matematika” ATAU “Sekolah Dasar”. Hasil eksplorasi dianalisis menggunakan kerangka Preferred for Reporting of Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa augmented reality dapat diimplementasikan untuk pembelajaran matematika di sekolah dasar mengacu pada karakteristik augmented reality yang diadaptasi pada gaya belajar siswa sekolah dasar, tantangan penerapan augmented reality, dan dampak belajar siswa.

Technology is developing rapidly and some of it is being applied in the field of education. However, the fact is that there are still many teachers who are not able to implement digital learning technology and media in classroom learning. Augmented reality is then an alternative learning media that can be implemented in learning mathematics in elementary schools. This study aims to analyze the use of augmented reality in learning mathematics in elementary schools. The analysis was carried out using a scoping review research approach with limitations on the results of published articles for the last 3 years. The scoping review stage used Aksey and O'Malley's framework. The articles were taken from the results of article publication in the National Science and Technology Index Indexed Journal (SINTA) using the keywords "Augmented Reality" OR "Mathematics Learning" OR "Elementary School". The outcomes of this exploration were then analyzed using the Preferred for Reporting of Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) framework. The result of this study stated that augmented reality can be implemented for mathematics learning in elementary schools referring to the characteristics of adapted augmented reality on the learning styles of elementary school students, the challenges of implementing augmented reality, and the students' learning impacts.


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How to Cite

Saputro, T. V. D., Purnasari, P. D., Lumbantobing, W. L., & Sadewo, Y. D. (2024). Augmented Reality for Mathematics Learning: Could We Implement It in Elementary School?. Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 13(1), 163–174.




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