Comprehensive Numeracy Evaluation Model of Junior High Schools in Indonesia
Kemampuan Numerasi, Model Evaluasi Komprehensif, Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Numeracy Ability, Comprehensive Evaluation Model, Junior High SchoolAbstract
Kemampuan numerasi telah menjadi masalah signifikan terutama di sekolah menengah pertama. Penelitian ini bertujuan menciptakan model evaluasi komprehensif untuk menilai kemampuan numerasi di sekolah menengah pertama. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua pendekatan utama. Pendekatan pertama adalah penelitian dan pengembangan, meliputi tahap investigasi awal, tahap desain, dan tahap uji coba. Pendekatan kedua berfokus pada evaluasi kemampuan numerasi di sekolah menengah pertama di Indonesia, khususnya di Provinsi Riau. Hasil uji keterbacaan menunjukkan bahwa instrumen evaluasi, panduan, dan prosedur layak digunakan. Para ahli menganggap model ini sangat efektif dalam menilai kemampuan numerasi di Indonesia. Hasil uji coba skala kecil menunjukkan 26 item yang dikembangkan valid dan reliabel. Hasil uji coba skala besar mengonfirmasi bahwa instrumen memiliki validitas dan reliabilitas konstruk yang dapat diterima. Model evaluasi yang telah divalidasi oleh para ahli dan praktisi melalui uji coba skala kecil dan besar berpotensi meningkatkan kemampuan numerasi siswa sekolah menengah pertama di Indonesia, khususnya di Provinsi Riau.
Numeracy ability has become a significant problem, especially in junior high schools. This research aims to create a comprehensive evaluation model to assess numeracy skills in junior high schools. This research uses two main approaches. The first approach is research and development, including the initial investigation stage, design stage and testing stage. The second approach focuses on evaluating numeracy skills in junior high schools in Indonesia, especially in Riau Province. The readability test results show that the evaluation instruments, guidelines and procedures are suitable for use. Experts consider this model to be very effective in assessing numeracy skills in Indonesia. The results of the small-scale trial showed that the 26 items developed were valid and reliable. The results of the large-scale pilot test confirmed that the instrument had acceptable construct validity and reliability. The evaluation model that has been validated by experts and practitioners through small-scale and large-scale trials has the potential to improve the numeracy skills of junior high school students in Indonesia, especially in Riau Province.
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