Structural Analysis and Typology of Postgraduate Students' Perceptions regarding Mathematics Learning
mathematics education master's program, pedagogical theory, professional skill, teacher education, Keterampilan mengajar, Keterampilan professional, Pendidikan guru, pendidikan matematika program magister, Teori pedagogisAbstract
Pandangan peserta didik program magister tentang matematika penting dikaji karena akan mempengaruhi cara mereka mengajar matematika. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengeksplorasi struktur keyakinan dan bagaimana perkembangan yang menggunakan pendekatan berbeda untuk mempromosikan pengaruh positif di kalangan mahasiswa. Subjek penelitian yaitu 269 mahasiswa Program Magister Pendidikan Matematika di UNTAN Pontianak yang juga bekerja sebagai guru. Instrumen pegumpulan data berupa kuesioner dan tes pemahaman konseptual. Analisis data dilakukan terhadap komponen pokok dari 63 item mengenai 'pandangan matematika'. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan inti pandangan tentang matematika terdiri dari tiga unsur yang berkaitan erat yaitu keyakinan tentang bakat diri sendiri, kesulitan, dan kenikmatan atau kesukaan terhadap matematika. Selain itu ditemukan juga bahwa pengetahuan konten spesifik matematika guru dan calon guru meningkat secara signifikan selama kuliah.
Master's program students' views about mathematics are important to study because it will influence the way they teach mathematics. The aim of the research is to explore the structure of beliefs and how they develop using different approaches to promote positive influence among college students. The research subjects were 269 students of the Mathematics Education Masters Program at UNTAN Pontianak who also worked as teachers. Data collection instruments include questionnaires and conceptual understanding tests. Data analysis was carried out on the main components of 63 items regarding 'views of mathematics'. The research results show that the core view of mathematics consists of three closely related elements, namely beliefs about one's own talents, difficulties, and enjoyment or liking for mathematics. In addition, it was also found that teachers' and prospective teachers' mathematics-specific content knowledge increased significantly during college.
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