Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Antara Yang Mendapatkan Model Pembelajaran Brain Based Learning Dengan Numbered Head Together

Studi Eksperimen di SMP Negeri 1 Cikajang Kelas VII Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013


  • Wiwin Winarti STKIP Garut
  • Cici Nurul Haq STKIP Garut



Learning Outcomes, Brain Based Learning, BBL, Numbered Head Together, NHT


The research was conducted to distinguish the two models , this is Brain Based Learning ( BBL ) with the Numbered Head Together ( NHT ) to see the extent to which the two models are instrumental in improving the learning outcomes of students learning mathematics . Authors wanted to see if there are differences in mathematics achievement between students who received  Brain Based Learning ( BBL ) with Numbered Head Together ( NHT ) ? . The method that I use in this study is experimental research that is giving treatment to two different classes . The population in this study were all  students class VII of SMP Negeri 1 Cikajang with a randomly selected sample of the class VII- C and class VII - D . The instrument used to measure student learning outcomes in the form mathematics objective tests , administered before and after the treatment the author gives a treat .  From the analysis of the Mann Whitney test , to test initial value Zhitung = 1.72 and Ztabel = 2.24 with a significance level of 5 % ( α = 0.05 ) zhitung  which is located in the reception area Ho , Ho is accepted then it means there is no difference initial ability between experimental classes experiment I and experiment II . While the results of Mann Whitney test to post test at significance level of 5 % ( α = 0.05 ) , zhitung = 3.18 using the two test sides of Zhitung value = 3.18 > Ztabel = 2.24 , in other words zhitung rejection of Ho is in the region, in other words Ha accepteThe research was conducted to distinguish the two models , this is Brain Based Learning ( BBL ) with the Numbered Head Together ( NHT ) to see the extent to which the two models are instrumental in improving the learning outcomes of students learning mathematics . Authors wanted to see if there are differences in mathematics achievement between students who received  Brain Based Learning ( BBL ) with Numbered Head Together ( NHT ) ? . The method that I use in this study is experimental research that is giving treatment to two different classes . The population in this study were all  students class VII of SMP Negeri 1 Cikajang with a randomly selected sample of the class VII- C and class VII - D . The instrument used to measure student learning outcomes in the form mathematics objective tests, administered before and after the treatment the author gives a treat.  From the analysis of the Mann Whitney test , to test initial value Zhitung = 1.72 and Ztabel = 2.24 with a significance level of 5 % ( α = 0.05 ) zhitung  which is located in the reception area Ho , Ho is accepted then it means there is no difference initial ability between experimental classes experiment I and experiment II . While the results of Mann Whitney test to post test at significance level of 5 % ( α = 0.05 ) , zhitung = 3.18 using the two test sides of Zhitung value = 3.18 > Ztabel = 2.24 , in other words zhitung rejection of Ho is in the region, in other words Ha accepted . It means that there are differences in mathematics outcomes between students who received learning model with Brain Based Learning  (BBL) with Numbered Head Together (NHT)d . It means that there are differences in mathematics outcomes between students who received learning model with Brain Based Learning  (BBL) with Numbered Head Together (NHT)

Author Biography

Wiwin Winarti, STKIP Garut

The research was conducted to distinguish the two models , this is Brain Based Learning ( BBL ) with the Numbered Head Together ( NHT ) to see the extent to which the two models are instrumental in improving the learning outcomes of students learning mathematics . Authors wanted to see if there are differences in mathematics achievement between students who received  Brain Based Learning ( BBL ) with Numbered Head Together ( NHT ) ? . The method that I use in this study is experimental research that is giving treatment to two different classes . The population in this study were all  students class VII of SMP Negeri 1 Cikajang with a randomly selected sample of the class VII- C and class VII - D . The instrument used to measure student learning outcomes in the form mathematics objective tests , administered before and after the treatment the author gives a treat .  From the analysis of the Mann Whitney test , to test initial value Zhitung = 1.72 and Ztabel = 2.24 with a significance level of 5 % ( α = 0.05 ) zhitung  which is located in the reception area Ho , Ho is accepted then it means there is no difference initial ability between experimental classes experiment I and experiment II . While the results of Mann Whitney test to post test at significance level of 5 % ( α = 0.05 ) , zhitung = 3.18 using the two test sides of Zhitung value = 3.18 > Ztabel = 2.24 , in other words zhitung rejection of Ho is in the region , in other words Ha accepted . It means that there are differences in mathematics outcomes between students who received learning model with Brain Based Learning  (BBL) with Numbered Head Together (NHT).


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How to Cite

Winarti, W., & Haq, C. N. (2013). Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Antara Yang Mendapatkan Model Pembelajaran Brain Based Learning Dengan Numbered Head Together : Studi Eksperimen di SMP Negeri 1 Cikajang Kelas VII Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013. Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2(1), 65–76.




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